Step Child / Step Parent Adoption

The special feature of the step-child adoption is that a biological parent still lives with the child and a new partner/parent is added to as an additional primary care giver. An adoption by stepparents is possible, if it serves the best interests of the child, and it is to be expected that a parent child relationship is created between the acceptor and the child.

Requirements for a step child adoption pursuant to German law are:

  1. At least one year of marriage duration and a total of three years living together of the spouse with the child.
  2. A parent child relationship must be created between the acceptor and the child. This is rarely answered affirmatively by the German Jugendamt.
  3. The biological parent must consent to the adoption, and he/she must notarize this before a German notary.
  4.  The application for an adoption must be is submitted before a German notary.

The decision making authority is the German District Court.

The following documents will be needed:

  • Representation of your life story
  • Recent photos
  • Completed questionnaire
  • Medical certificate of Acceptor
  • Proof of income
  • Police certificate of Acceptor
  • Copies of divorce
  • Copies of death certificate, if one parent has died
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate of the child
  • Residence certificate/permit identifying the citizenship
  • Release of other natural parent
  • Valid identity card or passport

Special requirements are necessary for same-sex registered partnerships. In this respect, we ask to please contact our German office by phone at +49(0)351.4540.99.11 and arrange an initial phone consultation.